Welcome to the Dragon Fable Hints Blog:

Though this blog's URL is slayer-panda it is actually the official blog for Dragon Fable Hints dragonfablehints.webs and Dragon Fable Hints II dragonfablehints2.webs We hope you understand that the only reason the URL is slayer-panda is because the primary names for this blog were unavailable.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

LEVEL UP (Slayer Panda) and STAT POINTS:

Slayer Panda has just LEVELED UP to level 28! I added some END with the points I earned so I now have 900 HP even ...
WHAT! You don't know about stat points! Allow me to enlighten you -- Stat Points are a basic part of any game. They allow you to increase points in a number of different areas including - but not limited to - Endurance, Strength, Wisdom, Luck, etc. Anyways, when you LEVEL UP you are given some stat points (normally 5) to spend on whatever. Some increase your health, others increase your mana, others your luck, etc. It's all pretty straightforward.
Now Where Was I? Oh yeah -- So, I went to the Health and Mana shops to level up my potions (gather regeants, take test, potions heal more. My health potion is up to healing four-hundred some-odd points.) It was pretty fun! Too bad it'll be a while before I can say I leveled up again.
*Note: The lower the level you are, the easier to get to the next level. For each level, it takes more points to get to the next level, while monsters still give out the same points they always gave out. You can check how many points you have left before you level up by clicking on your name in the bottom left to bring up your stat board and looking under experience.

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