Welcome to the Dragon Fable Hints Blog:

Though this blog's URL is slayer-panda it is actually the official blog for Dragon Fable Hints dragonfablehints.webs and Dragon Fable Hints II dragonfablehints2.webs We hope you understand that the only reason the URL is slayer-panda is because the primary names for this blog were unavailable.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Latest News: Skweel!

"It's time to get those bacon orbs returned ... hopefully, no one noticed that you borrowed them!"
The latest Dragonfable quest - Skweel - plays through the ordeal of returning the bacon orbs to the "special fishy room" in the Falconreach Guardian Tower ... I guess that means back to the time booth!

Remember, further information will be posted on the DFH websites:

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