Welcome to the Dragon Fable Hints Blog:

Though this blog's URL is slayer-panda it is actually the official blog for Dragon Fable Hints dragonfablehints.webs and Dragon Fable Hints II dragonfablehints2.webs We hope you understand that the only reason the URL is slayer-panda is because the primary names for this blog were unavailable.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Do You Remember?

This is a comment blog post. If you remember dragonfablehints.webs.com comment the number 1 if you want me to continue it, comment 2, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, comment 3.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Slayer Panda

DragonFableHints & Dragon Fable Hints Blog Are SLAYER PANDA INC companies.

Thankstaking -- Dragonfable

Once a year this wonderful holiday comes around. Set on the same day as OUR Thanksgiving its a large feast for all the people of Falconreach. But this year, Dr. Voltbot is angry; he says the food is unhealthy. Can you please Dr. Voltbot AND Save the Feast? Find out now at <http://www.dragonfable.com/>!

What To Do:
After logging into Dragonfable and choosing your account, click on the signpost and click the EAT quest. The feast is in your hands! Only you, hero, can save the day!

This blog is brought to you by DragonFableHints A SLAYER-PANDA Company.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Capital of King Alteon's realm, Swordhaven has just opened in Dragonfable and the shops are coming soon. Beautiful graphics, check it out today!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Spot In Doomwood:

If you follow me on Twitter (@DragonFableHint) you know there is a new travel spot in Doomwood - the ruins of an old city. It's a really fun area and is now accessible through the Travel Griffin. There is a main area where you battle with a bunch of descents into the dark maze-like tunnels below the city. The city is called Sil Ruins.

There are no images currently up as it is so new.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All About The Others - Hero Smash:

Hero Smash:

What is "Hero Smash"?
It's an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). You may ask "What does this mean?" Well, in short, it means you can interact with other people while saving the world (either as a hero ... or for a price) and just have a good time.

Controls in Hero Smash are like they are in AQ worlds ... in fact its pretty much like a futuristic take on AQ Worlds. Anyways, its fun and entertaining.

Remember to check us out on our twitter @dragonfablehint

More Than Just Dragon Fable:

The other Battleon Games:
  • Pony Vs. Pony: What more is there to say? In a world of rainbows and ponies, fight other ponies with your pets and power ups. Using your mouse, connect 4+ of the same type of orb to attack or defend.
  • Hero Smash: The latest Artix MMORPG. Fight with other heroes/villains in this game where you get to decide whether to be good or evil.
  • AQ Worlds: An older MMORPG that is like Adventure Quest but you can fight with other real-world players.
  • Epic Duel: Yet another MMORPG in which you can duel with other players or fight NPC's (maximum battles per day limit with NPC's). 
  • Mech Quest: Battle in the future (or should I say the past ...) as a person who happens to own a mega piece of machinery called a mech suit. Do I need to go on?
  • Adventure Quest: Artix Entertainment's first game. You don't move, but you definitely fight monsters and what more fun can be had?
  • Warp Force: On a giant ship, battle people. (like the adventure quest of space).

Friday, November 4, 2011

Another List:

Another List Compiled By Slayer Panda
  • To start off: This list is about three things (yes, just three) listed below. 
  1. Do you know about HEROMART.com
  2. Do you know about PORTAL.BATTLEON.com
  3. And finally, do you know about the Artix Entertainment Forum
Okay, now that we've cleared that up, here are the links:
Thank you for reading the Dragon Fable Hints Blog by Slayer Panda

Mogloween & M.O.P. Almost OVER!

Though the buttons are still available via Falconreach upper left hand corner, they are "fast fading" as the expression goes. With Halloween behind us, Mogloween won't last much longer!

Some sites to check out:
  2. HEROSMASH (.com)
  3. EPICDUEL (.artix.com)
  4. WARPFORCE (.artix.com)
  5. *Important* portal.battleon.com (All AE games)