Welcome to the Dragon Fable Hints Blog:

Though this blog's URL is slayer-panda it is actually the official blog for Dragon Fable Hints dragonfablehints.webs and Dragon Fable Hints II dragonfablehints2.webs We hope you understand that the only reason the URL is slayer-panda is because the primary names for this blog were unavailable.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our New Video! Imbeded in post!

Tell us if this is a good video. And YES we know sound quality is minimal at best.

Videos On Youtube:

The Dragon Fable Hints Blog now officially has videos up on YouTube. Our channel is youtube.com/dragonfablehints. We currently have 1 video up, it is on Cysero's superstore.

Sound quality is minimal on our videos. Slayer Panda INC. is looking into a better microphone for us. For now we thank you for your patience.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Do You Remember?

This is a comment blog post. If you remember dragonfablehints.webs.com comment the number 1 if you want me to continue it, comment 2, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, comment 3.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Slayer Panda

DragonFableHints & Dragon Fable Hints Blog Are SLAYER PANDA INC companies.

Thankstaking -- Dragonfable

Once a year this wonderful holiday comes around. Set on the same day as OUR Thanksgiving its a large feast for all the people of Falconreach. But this year, Dr. Voltbot is angry; he says the food is unhealthy. Can you please Dr. Voltbot AND Save the Feast? Find out now at <http://www.dragonfable.com/>!

What To Do:
After logging into Dragonfable and choosing your account, click on the signpost and click the EAT quest. The feast is in your hands! Only you, hero, can save the day!

This blog is brought to you by DragonFableHints A SLAYER-PANDA Company.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Capital of King Alteon's realm, Swordhaven has just opened in Dragonfable and the shops are coming soon. Beautiful graphics, check it out today!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Spot In Doomwood:

If you follow me on Twitter (@DragonFableHint) you know there is a new travel spot in Doomwood - the ruins of an old city. It's a really fun area and is now accessible through the Travel Griffin. There is a main area where you battle with a bunch of descents into the dark maze-like tunnels below the city. The city is called Sil Ruins.

There are no images currently up as it is so new.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

All About The Others - Hero Smash:

Hero Smash:

What is "Hero Smash"?
It's an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). You may ask "What does this mean?" Well, in short, it means you can interact with other people while saving the world (either as a hero ... or for a price) and just have a good time.

Controls in Hero Smash are like they are in AQ worlds ... in fact its pretty much like a futuristic take on AQ Worlds. Anyways, its fun and entertaining.

Remember to check us out on our twitter @dragonfablehint

More Than Just Dragon Fable:

The other Battleon Games:
  • Pony Vs. Pony: What more is there to say? In a world of rainbows and ponies, fight other ponies with your pets and power ups. Using your mouse, connect 4+ of the same type of orb to attack or defend.
  • Hero Smash: The latest Artix MMORPG. Fight with other heroes/villains in this game where you get to decide whether to be good or evil.
  • AQ Worlds: An older MMORPG that is like Adventure Quest but you can fight with other real-world players.
  • Epic Duel: Yet another MMORPG in which you can duel with other players or fight NPC's (maximum battles per day limit with NPC's). 
  • Mech Quest: Battle in the future (or should I say the past ...) as a person who happens to own a mega piece of machinery called a mech suit. Do I need to go on?
  • Adventure Quest: Artix Entertainment's first game. You don't move, but you definitely fight monsters and what more fun can be had?
  • Warp Force: On a giant ship, battle people. (like the adventure quest of space).

Friday, November 4, 2011

Another List:

Another List Compiled By Slayer Panda
  • To start off: This list is about three things (yes, just three) listed below. 
  1. Do you know about HEROMART.com
  2. Do you know about PORTAL.BATTLEON.com
  3. And finally, do you know about the Artix Entertainment Forum
Okay, now that we've cleared that up, here are the links:
Thank you for reading the Dragon Fable Hints Blog by Slayer Panda

Mogloween & M.O.P. Almost OVER!

Though the buttons are still available via Falconreach upper left hand corner, they are "fast fading" as the expression goes. With Halloween behind us, Mogloween won't last much longer!

Some sites to check out:
  2. HEROSMASH (.com)
  3. EPICDUEL (.artix.com)
  4. WARPFORCE (.artix.com)
  5. *Important* portal.battleon.com (All AE games)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

M.O.P. Tent Latest Quests:

The final quests for the M.O.P. Tent chain are now ready. You must defend Croft so that the Cauldron Sisters can concoct their cure.
Only going on in Dragonfable!

Also: There's still time for Mogloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Things To Know:

The following is a list of things you SHOULD already know about Dragonfable. If you do not, leave a comment below.
  • How to access your INVENTORY, DRAGON MENU (players with dragons only) and your QUEST MENU. You should also know how to access your STATISTICS and your ENEMY'S STATS (battle mode only). 
  • Know how to BUY and SELL goods.
  • Know how to INVITE GUESTS
  • Know how to TELEPORT HOME and ACCESS CHARACTER LIST from the Options menu.
  • And you should know how to TRAIN YOUR STATS.
Again, if you do not know how to do these things leave a comment below. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

LEVEL UP (Slayer Panda) and STAT POINTS:

Slayer Panda has just LEVELED UP to level 28! I added some END with the points I earned so I now have 900 HP even ...
WHAT! You don't know about stat points! Allow me to enlighten you -- Stat Points are a basic part of any game. They allow you to increase points in a number of different areas including - but not limited to - Endurance, Strength, Wisdom, Luck, etc. Anyways, when you LEVEL UP you are given some stat points (normally 5) to spend on whatever. Some increase your health, others increase your mana, others your luck, etc. It's all pretty straightforward.
Now Where Was I? Oh yeah -- So, I went to the Health and Mana shops to level up my potions (gather regeants, take test, potions heal more. My health potion is up to healing four-hundred some-odd points.) It was pretty fun! Too bad it'll be a while before I can say I leveled up again.
*Note: The lower the level you are, the easier to get to the next level. For each level, it takes more points to get to the next level, while monsters still give out the same points they always gave out. You can check how many points you have left before you level up by clicking on your name in the bottom left to bring up your stat board and looking under experience.

Latest News - Released Friday October 21 - Origins

The latest Dragonfable news (presumably released on Friday) is called "Origins"
Quest Chain/Saga: Khy'Rhian
Description: What is the secret fortress in the mountains? Where do the Khy'Rhian come from? What precisely do the Nivalis want? This week it's finally time to forge ahead and get into Nivalis' fortress and hopefully discover the secret of the Khy'Rhian; and if we are lucky we might finally get to see Nivalis! 
In other news: Mogloween is still up!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Dragon Fable Hints Logo:

Cool huh?


The Health Restore is 100% NOT a hack. It is not against any game rules. Note: "The health restore is not guaranteed and may be fixed before you attempt to use it". Dragon Fable Hints wants to simplify this to easy terms, a four step process. Remember; the health restore is only a GLITCH and Dragon Fable Hints is not responsible for any and all complications to using or publishing the Health Restore. If for any reason you make money from the Health Restore, note that though Dragon Fable Hints has not copyrighted it, a website that had it first may have. We do not take any responsibility for coming up with this Restore.
1) Buy an armor (it doesn't matter which kind)
2) Wear down your HP (health) and/or MP (mana)
3) When between battles open items menu (backpack)
4) Go to your armor and double-click equip quickly
Your health and mana should be restored. If not try again. It may be that the glitch was fixed.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

M.O.P. Tent For Mogloween:

The M.O.P. Tent is now in a link in the top left corner of Falconreach (home town zone between inn and Lim's Shop). Click on the link and -- you guessed it -- you go to the M.O.P. tent where you can start a series of quests.
Sorry for the short post today -- short on time.
As always, check out our Twitter (@DragonFableHint) and see what we've tweeted.
I'm not making any promises but you might see the HEALTH RESTORE in the next post. Twiddling and whistling thumbs here ... doo da doo da doo.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mogloween Is HERE!

Mogloween is finally here with a last year and Mogloween book button options! Click last year and go to a custscene that says last year and becomes that years custscene. Click Mogloween book and you will go to the Mogloween book.
In other news, the enTropy armor is now for sale in Cysero's superstore.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Startup Items

If you do not know this already, you can save items that will automatically be equipped to your character upon login in the Falconreach Guardian Tower library. When you hit "SAVE" it will save all the items on you at that time except armor:
Weapon (staff, wand, dagger, sword, scythe, etc.)
Remember that when you equip armor you will have to re-equip everything else.

Dragon Fable Hints Now On Twitter!

Check out Dragon Fable Hints on Twitter! @DragonFableHint on Twitter!

Monday, September 26, 2011

What's That? -- Dragon Fable Design Notes

Want to know EVEN MORE about Dragonfable? Check out the design notes at:
You can learn even more about the latest quests and News as well as some jokes and comments from Dragon Fable staff members. It's a cool section to just read and relax ...

Or not.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Latest News - Friday 9/23/11 - Barrat Hunt & enTropy Test

On Friday 9/23/11 the latest Dragonfable news was posted:

enTropy Test: The new enTropy armor is now in DragonLord testing. Hurry up to test this new armor and tell on the forms whether or not it has any bugs. Test now before it goes into Cysero's Superstore.

Barrat Hunt: Tons of new merge items in Teral's shop! Talk to karina about hunting the elusive Barrat!

More Info? Dragon Fable Hints and Dragon Fable Hints2 are gone -- not fully but they will not be updated -- to get more info, comment on this post with your question.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Latest On New South Falconreach:

South Falconreach - for those of you who do not know - is the area to the south (or down on your screen) from center Falconreach (main area with Twilly, Serenity's inn, and Lim's Weapon-shop). For a while it looked like the old Falconreach (with those cloud like trees and bad graphics) but now we are cheerful to say that it is as nice (with it's on score of background music) as Falconreach and all other updated areas of Dragonfable are now. There is a bridge and all the things you remember from South Falconreach just much better. The running water (there was running water?) the Warlic statue, the Galanoth statue, the undead cannons and triglycerin sponges, and the moglin with the spellberries (that's new!). Yes the new South-Falconreach is better than ever before and is just plain full of adventures.
For those of you that do not know, the following is a list of all the updated spots in DF: Falconreach - South, North and Guardian Tower, Path from Surewould Forest (leading upwards not right) going left out of Falconreach to Oaklore keep and oaklore keep itself (including original Sneevil and Gorillaphant quest). We will update as new places get updated!
So what are you waiting for? EXPLORE!

South Falconreach

South falconreach finally updated! Hooray!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Latest News: Epilogue and The Ice Cave

In Dragonfable the latest quests are:
Epilogue: Chapter one has ended but be sure to visit Elysia for the Epilogue to the Orb Saga.
and The Ice Cave: The next quest in the True Mortal saga is available! Journey to ... and ICE CAVE! (How predictable!).
Remember: Check out dragonfablehints.webs.com 
and dragonfablehints2.webs.com 
for more information on these two quests!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Latest News: Skweel!

"It's time to get those bacon orbs returned ... hopefully, no one noticed that you borrowed them!"
The latest Dragonfable quest - Skweel - plays through the ordeal of returning the bacon orbs to the "special fishy room" in the Falconreach Guardian Tower ... I guess that means back to the time booth!

Remember, further information will be posted on the DFH websites:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The truth behind: THE END?!

How do you fight a "Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich"? You fight it part by part! This is how you must go about battling in THE END quest. You go through a "Jimmy the Eye" type scene (play "Jimmy The Eye" at ebilgames.com) and then attack first the tail, then the feet, then the claw, and so on until you get to the head.


Latest News: Now Updated: New Horizons

A new quest is available in Stoneheart Fall! Visit True Mortal to investigate a heavily guarded passage in the far North.
ALSO: Falconreach is OFFICIALLY no longer shrouded in darkness now that the Sepulchure saga draws to a close. Don't worry though, Elyssa is still there to help you complete the rest of the quests in case you haven't finished yet!

AND: DFH and DFHII are now officially both up and running ready for new updates!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Latest News: Not been updated

Hello, this is Dragon Fable Hints and as you know Dragonfable usually updates their news on Fridays. This has not happened today and therefore there is no news to report. Rest assured however that as soon as this week's news comes out, we will re-post it both on our websites (<http://www.dragonfablehints.webs.com/><http://www.dragonfablehints2.webs.com/>) and on our blog.

Temporary Website Glitch:

Our website, dragonfablehints.webs.com/ is experiencing some technical difficulties with it's host WEBS.com. We expect this problem will be fixed soon but as of the time of this post our staff are not able to update the website. We will let you know when this problem is resolved.

Note: This glitch does not interfere with the browsing aspects of our website and you can still surf through any existing information on the site.

The above message applies to both above websites.

Sign up for email updates

Sign up for email updates!

Now we are an official Iphone WEB APP!

Scan this code with a QR code reader, with your iphones camera, or visit us on your ipod @ slayer-panda.blogspot.com

Check out our cooler logo! Non-official.

Bubbles say: dragonfablehints.webs.com | dragonfablehints2.webs.com | Best Hints Website! ROAR! | A must go for all DF users.
Bottom Text says: The "Health Restore" Helpers.
Note this is non-official and the previous logo is and will continue to be our only official logo.
If you wish to make the logo bigger, you can pull the image into an image processor and increase the dimensions. We ask that afterwards you please delete the image from your computer.